
Greenpack works with manufacturers who are licensed through our training and servicing program. By obtaining a Greenpack License, our manufacturers agree to uphold the quality and sustainability standards that are laid out by Greenpack and represented in our products. 

In return, manufacturers are provided intensive on-site training, on-call technical support and are able to use our Greenpack branding and certifications. By leveraging Greenpack’s technology and certifications, Licensees don’t have to go through the difficult process of obtaining their own Biodegradability and Biobased certifications and their customers can be assured that seeing the Greenpack brand means they can expect the highest-quality Bioplastic products.  

If you have any questions about how to become licensed by Greenpack please contact us at

How can we help you?

For any inquiries about the customizability of our products please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.