How We Got Here

  • 2012

    Greenpack Guatemala Established

    Founded in 2012, Greenpack is owned and operated by a team of Canadian entrepreneurs dedicated to producing a plant starch based bioplastic pellet that can be blended with polyethylene to produce a unique bioplastic film product.

    When Greenpack launched, there was very little public recognition of the numerous and significant environmental problems caused by the petrol-based plastics industry. Very few people understood bioplastics and their role in reducing plastic pollution.

  • 2012

    Greenpack International Established in Barbados

    Greenpack was one of the first bioplastic producers of its kind in North, South, and Central America. Being first to market in the industry brought with it a responsibility to educate the public about the problems caused by conventional plastic pollution and how bioplastics offer a long-term solution.

  • 2012

    Greenpack Asia Established in Hong Kong

    Greenpack’s Asian division is established, allowing us to expand our product line and improve its global production and distribution capabilities.

  • 2014

    Greenpack Chile Established in Chile

    Greenpack Chile is established as the next phase of our South American expansion. The establishment of a sales office in Chile quickly leads to partnerships with some of the largest retailers in the Chilean market. Greenpack works closely with universities across Chile to conduct product performance and sustainability studies of our products.

  • 2015

    Constructed Greenpack Film Factory in Guatemala with Customized Machinery

    Our first generations of Bioresin used to produce Greenpack Film products required industrial customization for proper product manufacturing. We built our first manufacturing facility in Guatemala with state of the art customized machinery and began production of our first line of Greenpack Film products.

  • 2016

    Developed 4th Generation Bioresin for Standard Film Extrusion Machinery

    Greenpack continuously works to optimize and improve our products. Through continuous research and development initiatives we developed our 4th Generation of Bioresin for the manufacture of Greenpack Film Products by 3rd party manufacturers. Generations 1 through 3 were formulations which we used in manufacturing Greenpack Film products in our own manufacturing facilities. The development of the 4th generation of Bioresin, the GP-BioFR, allows us to manufacture our products using existing plastic extrusion machinery. This introduced the possibility of outsourcing conventional plastic manufacturers to produce Greenpack products. This shifted our business model from providing consumers with final products to selling our proprietary Greenpack Bioresin to existing plastic manufacturers for them to sue to produce Greenpack products under license.

  • 2016

    Licensed 1st Manufacturer in Chile

    To supply the growing market demand in Chile, Greenpack began licensing existing plastic manufacturers to produce and sell Greenpack products.

  • 2017

    Licensed 2nd Manufacturer in Chile

  • 2018

    Licensed 1st Manufacturer in Canada

    Greenpack begins producing products in North America.

  • 2018

    Licensed 3rd manufacturer in Chile

  • 2018

    Awarded Certificate of Excellence by WeEmpower Cities / World Bank group in Panama

    Greenpack is invited to participate in the WeEmpower Cities “We Drive Innovation” Challenge, aimed at accelerating innovative businesses that create a positive impact to the environmental, health, social or economic aspects of their cities.

    Greenpack places first in the competition and is awarded a Certificate of Excellence by the World Bank Group in Panama.

  • 2018

    Greenpack Supports Brand Ambassador Ben Lecomte in ‘the Longest Swim’

    Greenpack begins a longstanding relationship with Ben Lacomte by sponsoring and supporting ‘The Longest Swim’ venture which took him on a 191-day swim across the Pacific Ocean. With the aim of documenting and studying the negative impacts plastic pollution have on the marine environment during his passage through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Greenpack saw this as an opportunity to raise public awareness of the plastic pollution crises.

  • 2019

    Licensed 1st Manufacturer in Uruguay

  • 2019

    Licensed 1st Manufacturer in Bolivia

  • 2019

    Dominican Republic

  • 2019

    Developed 5th Generation Bioresin improving quality and environmental benefits

    After intensive research and development, Greenpack develops our 5th generation Bioresin, allowing us to produce film products containing twice the plant starch content than that of the last generation. The new formulation produces high-quality products at significantly lower prices than competitors.

    The new formulation has increased stability and requires less energy to manufacture finished Greenpack film products. Greenpack is currently in the process of certifying its new Bioresin for commercial use. Once certified the new Bioresin will enable us to expedite our long-term vision in which most disposable plastic products are made primarily from renewable sources and do not create a long-term negative impact on our environment, while also creating high-quality, affordable bioplastic film products for our customers.

  • 2019

    Greenpack Supports Brand Ambassador Ben Lecomte in ‘the Vortex Swim’

    Greenpack teams up once again with Ben Lecomte on a mission to raise public awareness of the severity of the marine plastic pollution issue. Greenpack sponsors Ben on ‘The Vortex Swim’ which will take him on a 100 day journey across the Pacific Ocean and through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

How can we help you?

For any inquiries about the customizability of our products please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.